Rest: Meditations at the Piano

I'm thinking there's no better way to say it: Rest.  It's got to be the title of my new CD.  "Meditations at the Piano" sounds borderline new age-y to me, but I may keep it like that.  I would like to appeal to a wide audience, not just the Christian bookstore crowd. 

I actually got to sit down for an uninterrupted half hour of practice time tonight after putting my daughter to bed!  I should have played longer, but my attention span seems to have shortened.  Aargh.  I really want to record this album live, and that means putting in longer, more focused practice sessions. 

I was asking a mom-friend today about how she works at home with her one-year-old toddling around.  And her answer was to guiltily point to the TV. 

She and I are both go-getters, so it makes sense that our babies do not like to stay in one place for very long.  But it makes it difficult to get much done around the house. 

Funny, that I should be working on a project entitled "Rest."

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