A Day in the Life

Woke up at 6am this morning to my daughter’s happy babbling from the next room. I waited, hoping in vain that she would talk herself back to sleep. Instead, she decided at 6:30 that she wanted up “for good.” Changed her diaper, fed her, and brought her into our bedroom to watch the Today Show.

After an hour I decided we were ready to get up, so got baby and me dressed, changed the sheets on the bed, and went downstairs. Rice cereal for the baby (not a big hit this morning!), toast and fried egg for Mommy. Put her in the Baby Einstein sit-and-spin toy and cleaned up the dishes.

Transferred baby to the floor to play with her toys while I practiced piano for 20 minutes!! What a good baby I’m raising! Ha! She extended extra grace to me today.

Off to the gym, where she refused to sit in her carseat and watch me. Took her out and bounced her on my lap while I rode the stationary bike. Yeah, that’s talent! One day soon I will have to leave her home with Daddy while I go alone…

Then to the dry cleaners to pick up Daddy’s shirts, and to the grocery store. Didn’t have the Baby Bjorn, so my baby girl had her first ride in the shopping cart. She did pretty well for the first half of the store, and I managed to mostly keep her away from teething on the handle (gross!). And then I ended up carrying her on my hip and steering the cart with my free hand, all the while kicking the dumb cart because it leaned to the right.

Whew! The morning wore her out, so she promptly fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep for the next 3 hours! I put groceries away, made lunch, read a book, and took a nap myself. Oh, this is the life. If only all our days were like this!

The afternoon didn’t go so smoothly. I think we’re working on another tooth. Fortunately, Daddy was home and he played and entertained her while I got dinner for the two of us, we ate, and I cleaned up the dishes. She fell asleep in Daddy’s arms watching the football game (aaww!) and now we have the rest of the evening to ourselves.

Altogether a delightful and productive day.

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