Birth of a Blog

I've started working on another blog: Growing Readers and Writers - resources for teaching literacy.  Basically it's my thoughts on what's going on in the teaching of reading and writing currently.  When I taught first grade, I loved teaching literacy and learned so much from my own experiences and from my colleagues.  Since I won't be back in the classroom for awhile, I thought I'd keep up my skills a bit by blogging about my experiences and providing current resources for teachers.  Eventually I think I'd like to pursue a position as a literacy coach in my children's school (I know, have the kids first, then raise them and get them in school!  :).  In the meantime, I can enjoy reading and compiling resources at my leisure, hopefully to the benefit of other teachers!

You can view my new blog at

(Don't go away - I will still be posting here about everything else!)

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