
Lest you think I'm smarter than I am...

I ran into the wall last night. 

4:00 a.m.  Baby cries.  I go to her room to put the pacifier back in her mouth.  Then I realize I need to use the bathroom.  I walk through our bedroom into the bathroom, not turning on any lights because I'm so darn tired.  Neither do I open my eyes, I've made this walk so many times.  Then, POW!  My head meets the thin wall between the walk-in closet and the toilet.  I think I have a concussion.  I do my business, then walk back into the bedroom and climb into bed.  Now I'm fully awake, worried that due to my impending concussion, I will not wake up once I fall asleep.

The logic of a new mother is astounding.

(I did wake up this morning, by the way.  No concussion.  Just a bruise above my left eye and a blow to my pride.)

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