Current Reads

On my bookshelf right now I have First Meals(a great resource for making your own baby food...and lest you think I've "gone green," really I'm just cheap!), Baby Sign Language (we are working on "eat," "more," and "diaper" right now), and The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (a cute youth fiction book along the lines of The Bobbsey Twins or Betsy, Tacy, and Tib).

Surveillance looked intriguing, but I couldn't get past the first couple of pages.  It's a sci-fi book about post-9/11 America, where everyone is living in a state of paranoia.  Supposedly "mesmerizing."  I wasn't mesmerized.

On the other hand, I am enthralled with The Savior, a new novel written by world-renowed violinist Eugene Drucker.  He explores the life of a German violinist in the midst of WWII, who is asked to play as "entertainer" in the concentration camps.  He is horrified by what he sees and tries to get out of his orders, but is threatened with the Gestapo if he leaves.  Fascinating.

I am always looking for new books, and wish my favorite authors kept lists of which are their favorites!  I've tried looking through Book Lust and Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading (the latter by an NPR commentator), to no avail.  My best picks have come from friends and through random jaunts through the University Bookstore, HalfPrice Books, and the King County Library System (which, by the way, has the best online catalog  in the world - a great thing for mommies of young babies, as you can place holds from your computer and then pick them up at your convenience!). 

If you're like me, you might like to look up some of my favorite authors:  Annie Dillard, John Grisham, C.S. Lewis, Victor Hugo, Madeleine L'Engle, Adrianna Trigianni, Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Elliot, Beverly Cleary, Jon name a few! 

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