Death, Where is Thy Sting?

Not to be depressing, but I haven't written lately because my beloved grandfather passed away about 2 weeks ago.  I've gone back and forth debating whether or not to write about it, and finally decided that I can't write about anything else until I've at least mentioned what I've been thinking about lately.

It was my first time losing someone close to me.  Grandpa was 88 years old, in relatively good health (losing some memory and needing a walker though), and died in his sleep.  He was a believer and lived a wonderfully full life, leaving behind a legacy of Christian sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, and great-grandsons and great-granddaughters.  A life well lived.  Yet we sorely miss him.

Being reminded of these things has been a comfort to me lately:
1. Death is painful [for those grieving the loss]
2. Death is the result of Sin
3. Physical death is one of two ways to get to Heaven [the other being Rapture!]; thus it is necessary
4. It helps to have friends cry with you
5. I Corinthians 15 and I Thessalonians 4 are incredibly encouraging passages to read as you grieve
6. Christmas, the celebration of Jesus' birth, is made even more special knowing that Jesus came to conquer death and give new life

I am re-reading Heaven, by Randy Alcorn.  It is answering a lot of my questions about what Grandpa is seeing and doing right now, whether he remembers or thinks of me, and whether he'll still be "my" grandpa when I get to heaven.  Alcorn points out things that we know to be true from Scripture, like Christ remaining in physical form, being recognized by His friends when He arose, maintaining special relationships with His disciples, praying for believers currently...  The book has been a great comfort to me lately.

I guess I write this more for those who don't know what to say when they are called on to comfort a friend who is grieving.  Those of you who have lost loved ones perhaps already know from experience what comforted you and can draw from that.

Praise God for His infinite wisdom and grace.  Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.

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