Election Day

I am so tired of hearing about the candidates and viewing their attack ads on the television.  I will be glad when tomorrow is over.

As a conservative Christian, mother, homemaker, and small business co-owner, you can probably guess how I voted.  Throw in "former teacher" as well, just to confuse you, but issues in education do not determine my vote.  I believe strongly that traditional marriage, sanctity of life, and strong work ethic are the backbones of our society, and if we cave on those, we are headed for trouble.  For they are all rooted in faith in a Creator God.  We cannot deny Him or pretend that morality does not factor in our vote.

Christians, we must stand, or we will lose the privilege of speaking against sin in our churches, our schools, and our homes.  It is already happening in Canada, where gay marriage has been legalized and pastors are being stopped from preaching against it.  What comes often to my mind is the vision of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities God destroyed because of their tolerance of homosexuality.

A "mom blog" that I subscribe to recently urged its readers to vote for gay marriage in California.  Most of the comments came from those who agreed with their position.  One mom took the biblical stance.  Another, a Mormon gal, proposed 9 reasons why legalizing gay marriage would weaken family and, in time, society.  

Christians, don't wimp out on Election Day.  Even if you aren't voting on the marriage issue in your state, take a stand!

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