Happy Days

My little girl turned one recently!  It's hard to believe she has grown so quickly out of the baby stage.  She is walking, learning how to hold her own spoon, drinking exclusively from a sippy cup, and can say a few words: cooky, tick-o (tickle), bub-o (bubbles), and dadEE (imagine a french accent!).  She loves music and dances every chance she gets.  We love her to pieces!

So my days are busy, and much less "mine" than "ours."  Hence, the sparse blog posts and lag in "projects."  We spend a lot of time playing with my daughter's kitchen, reading books, and blowing bubbles.  We also try to get in weekly trips to the library for storytime, swimming at our gym, grocery shopping, and playdates with friends.  Life seems manageable as I work around her 2 naps a day and she becomes a little more independent and a lot more fun!  I waffle between thinking I'm ready for "another one" and selfishly wanting to hold onto these happy "simple" days for awhile! 

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