Happy New Year!

My husband and I ushered in the New Year by hosting dinner for my grandmother at our house.  We had a nice quiet dinner of flank steak, mashed potatoes, salad, and brie baked in a sourdough bread bowl.  Mmm.  Then we put the baby to bed and watched home videos from when my mom was little.

It seemed an appropriate way to end 2008, in which we introduced a new baby into the family and witnessed my grandfather going Home to be with the Lord.  Our year was filled with family birthday celebrations, vacations, and a lot of "firsts" for us with our daughter.  We are grateful to have many memories with our extended family.

Looking forward to 2009, I haven't made any resolutions.  I like this one that I came across today, though: "Celebrate Motherhood."  With so many transitions into new motherhood last year, I felt like much of the time I was in survival mode.  I'm hoping to take the time to enjoy my new role this year and not complain about the little stuff. 

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