In the Works

Sometimes I think I should just stop all these "other things" and "just" be a mom.  I still don't know what that means though...sitting around and watching her play 24/7?

Here's what I have going on in my brain right now:
*Writing a book on singleness, and the lessons God taught me during that difficult wait
*Preparing for my goal of being a part-time elementary literacy coach (refining my first-grade writing curriculum, reading up on current trends in reading and writing, creating a new blog or website as a resource for teachers)
*Recording a worship CD
*Keeping up with my love of reading
*Household projects: organizing, sewing, painting, tiling the backsplash behind the stove

And then there are the daily household chores, investing in friendships, and investing more purposefully in my marriage and child (intentional time doing things together, exploring, creating memories).

The challenge right now is that nights are unpredictable (sometimes I sleep, sometimes I walk back and forth from the baby's room trying to console her) and even the simplest daily tasks take a looong time to complete because I have a toddler literally underfoot (she likes to play under my legs as I wash dishes or cook).  Even talking on the phone is difficult at times because she wants my attention to stay focused on her (or she wants to chew on the phone, hard to say!).  I've given up doing anything on the computer while she's awake for the same reasons. 

I know I need to keep reminding myself that this is just a phase and I should be grateful for her desire to be with me all the time.  There will come a day when that is no longer true, and I'll miss her tugging at my pantleg to get up. 
