My New Loves

(My first love being my husband, and my second, of course, my baby girl!) 

1.  Waterbabies- We took our first class last week, and my daughter absolutely loved it!  For those of you who don't know, Waterbabies is like baby swim lessons where the babies learn how to float on their backs and be safe around water while having fun splashing, playing with/chewing on water toys, and singing songs.  We'll be going once a week through the fall. 

2.  Penelope Fitzgerald - Oh, how I love finding a new author!  I just read The Bookshop and it was so well-written, quirky and intelligent, that I couldn't put it down.  Fitzgerald paints great pictures and has a concise manner of putting words on a page (meaning: quick read!).  She's just fabulous.  I checked out several of her books from the library and am hoping they meet or exceed my expectations!

3.  My loft - Today I traded the furniture in my loft for that in our guest bedroom so that now our office-y stuff (desk, filing cabinet, etc.) are hidden in the bedroom and our loft is filled with our lovely leather couch, books, the small tv and X-Box 360, and cozy Husky blankets.  Now the loft is such a homey place, it feels like a second living room!

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