New Mom Daily Routines

Life has definitely changed over the last 9 months. My baby girl has grown from a helpless newborn to a very independent crawler. I think that one of the biggest shocks of motherhood for me was the realization that my time is not my own anymore. Though my husband helps out a ton, I am still “Mommy on-call” 24/7. The most menial, routine tasks can sometimes seem monumental when tending to a babe-in-arms or an aspiring toddler underfoot.  (I never thought I'd have trouble deciding what to do with the baby when I went to the bathroom, showered, or prepared meals!)

We borrowed a Baby Bjorn, Playmat, Sit-n-Spin, and Bouncy seat for the first 6 months. They were lifesavers in terms of giving me time to work around the house! And since we borrowed them instead of purchasing them, we saved some money and don’t have to store them currently!

I’ve heard that adding another child to the mix triples the workload. As hard as it’s been for me to figure out how to do life with one, I cannot imagine how moms juggle two or more! Props to you!

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