The Art of Making Baby Food

As I mentioned before, I have been making my own baby food.  Since we're just starting to introduce solids, I blend up a little of whatever vegetable I'm making for dinner (we've had sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, peas, carrots, and broccoli) with a bit of cooking water (no salt for the baby).  She only eats a few teaspoonfuls, and sometimes I mix it with store-bought rice cereal to make it a bit smoother and more palatable.  I feed her from a separate bowl, so that I can use her untouched "leftovers" over 2-3 days.

I've also just discovered this mesh feeder that she loves!  I put a little bit of ripe banana or peeled pear in it, and she goes to town chewing on it.  The nice thing for me is that she can practice feeding herself, and I don't have to worry about her choking on big pieces...and I don't have to mash, puree, or blend anything!  It's a great invention!  We'll try peaches next...

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