Walking, Walking, Walking

My daughter has been walking independently for about 3 weeks now.  She's 9 months old, and it is the cutest thing ever to see her wobbling around the house - my little Minnie Me!  But...with the walking have come more sleepless nights, 2 mouth injuries, and a cold.  I swear her brain works overtime, so that she can't settle down to sleep very long during her daytime naps and loves getting up between midnight and 3am to do some more walking practice.  I have reverted to my "sleep when the baby sleeps" mantra from her newborn stage (which means more housework piling up and less time to read, blog, etc.).  Ugh.  

The mouth injuries both happened as she was walking around the kitchen.  The first occured when she sat down hard, jamming a water bottle up into her gum, and the second was only a few days later, when she landed face first onto her pacifier (on the rug), re-opening the previous wound to her upper gums.  Both times there was a ton of blood and crying, and my heart was in my throat.  And both times she recovered quickly, the bleeding stopped, and after napping she happily jammed more toys into her mouth to chew on.  I pray that there has been no damage to her teeth, for I'm convinced that she has been trying to cut her upper teeth for several weeks as well.

And the cold came on a couple days ago, so she has a horrible cough and runny nose.  I think Corey and I are about to take part in this loveliness as well, as we've both been complaining of sore throats lately. 

It's all a bit overwhelming at the moment!

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